An employee assistance program providing support on financial, health and legal issues.
Discretionary benefits.
What you\xe2\x80\x99ll get up to
As a Busser at The Club House, you are the lifeline for our servers and will be on hand to answer any questions from our guests. Guest experience is at the heart of everything you do and you will always champion our service standards whether it behind the scenes or on full view on the Restaurant floor
As the perfect Busser, you will support our Restaurant teams and constantly learn from them to develop yourself. You will be hungry for your next step into a Server role and actively drive your development into your next career step.
At The Club House, we continue to break the mould of the modern restaurant. This means that not only do we encourage individuality, we value it! And believe our business thrives on it \xe2\x80\x93 from the spaces we create for guests, to the careers we build for our people \xe2\x80\x93 you are your only limit!